Tuesday, June 24, 2008


One week down, ten more to go. Lack of routine is driving me nuts, but the kids are happy. Had another incident with the FM system. The audiologist called and said it was lost, and that she had to use the one time free replacement!! I was so mad!! Two weeks later she called and said she found it, and didn't need the replacement after all. so it safely sitting in a box until next school year.
Colleen is in her summer camp-40 kids and 10 adults, a 1 to 4 ratio. About half of the kids are in wheelchairs. They have lots of activities-pet therapy, art therapy, dog therapy, yoga, crafts and out- door time. Also swimming, field trips weekly. So she is busy, but Colleen wants to go to school, not camp.
Patrick is deep into baseball, with tournaments on the weekends. Few activities during the day, but not enough to keep him busy enough. Have to work in that.
We survived all the massive flooding in the area. Our basement stayed dry, but we got a new sump pump since the old one was dying. Everything else has dried up. Colleen's summer program is held in a building next to the river, and it was surrounded by water the week before camp. But the water receded and there was no damage to the building so camp wasn't disrupted.
Looking forward to some sort of routine in the near future!!